Sunday, February 15, 2009

525,600 Minutes

so how do you measure a year?

Here is what I have learned, so far, in my last year of life...
- you dont have to be "old" to have a heart attack
- family is exactly what you make it - and who you make it
- pride really does come before the fall
- true friends may not be what they seem
- wisdom is seeking truth over any lie
- redemption really is a beautiful thing
- broken things dont always have to be bad
- it's ok to admit you need help... especially when you receive it
- transparency is the only way to truly live
- starting over is not as easy as the movies make it out to seem
- there is only one true enemy... and he sucks
- anniversaries are ok to celebrate
- God is so faithful

and making a list like this is really difficult when your mind is full of so many things.

i am overwhelmed and taken back by how far we've come. literally tears race down my cheeks as i remember who i was, and where You have brought me. I will never be the same again. I never want to. I love our relationship now. It's so real and genuine and pure and lovely. Lord You are so faithful to me. You love me so deeply and richly and fully and completely... and i, You. my heart is whole. You are truly my Healer. and that absolutely nothing is impossible for You. You have proved it.

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