Thursday, April 21, 2011

Maundy Thursday

I didn't grow up in church.
I think that's why I can love the church as much as I do.  :)
I believe in the power of the local church and believe she has a power through her Husband that nobody else has.
I recently accepted a position at a church outside of Ft. Worth as the Creative Director, which this particular church has never seen before.
I get to pioneer a creative movement to further the Kingdom and tell the story of Christ in a way that reaches every heart in the room, and beyond.
(no pressure, right?)

The way I see it, we (I can speak for the local church, right?) have 53 opportunities to communicate the Gospel in a corporate environment. That's 52 weekend opportunities, and throw in an extra for Christmas. One of those weekends happens to be a slightly "bigger deal" than the others... and it's happening this weekend.

In the church world, we refer to it as our Super Bowl Sunday.
We all of a sudden realize that we have an opportunity here to impact a larger group of people than we typically see. It's socially acceptable to attend church that day, when you wouldn't be caught dead in one otherwise.

The church starts talking about what Easter (salvation, redemption, love, the cross, the tomb being empty, etc...) means to the world and why we are suddenly ok with getting paid a slightly bit less than what the corporate world would pay for such raw talent.  :)

When people can understand the amount of power the resurrection has for their lives, everything changes.
When the story of Easter comes alive in you and in me, everything begins to come out of grey and into color...

(This is where I'll try to avoid my rant about how EVERY week should be an Easter Experience for the church and if we don't view it as such, WE. MISS. IT.)

So, here we are, leading into our Easter Experience for the weekend where rehearsals, run-throughs, extra work and quick snacks are the norm - but I can tell you this:
I don't want to miss one moment of this... One moment of Jesus. One moment of this week that is Holy.

Today is Maundy Thursday... and if you're like me, you don't really know what's so maundy about Thursday, or what maundy even means...
Maundy Thursday commemorates the day of the Last Supper of Jesus and gets its name from the Latin word mandatum, which means "commandment."
Near the end of the Last Supper, He said to His disciples, "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."

So today, we celebrate a day about love.
Our God is love. That's our God.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Honey, I'm... Where Am I Again?

Well, last week at this time, I was sitting in my African cottage with my person. Today I am sitting on a patio in Weatherford, TX. I had just a couple days in Houston… only to pack, say goodbye, and move. I’m not going to pretend this was easy. It wasn’t. It isn’t.

So much change and I’m not even talking about the time zones, although that is just now starting to seem normal again. Faces, schedules, zip codes, roads, and radio stations are different.

I couldn’t have come up with this on my own. Moving is not something that I consider to be in my Top 7 and saying goodbye is always so hard. But here I am.

Jesus, You called me and created perfectly. You know me. You’ve always known me. You will never forsake me either. That’s true and that’s a promise I can stand firm on.

Psalm 139:16 (MSG) Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared before I'd even lived one day.

Jesus, thank You that Your plan is WAY better than my plan. Thank You for leading and directing me.

Where do I even begin?
- I have learned (again) that I was created perfectly. My intensity, passion, desire for intimacy, and intentionality is not a mistake.
- that I am worth more than a sparrow… and the animals that I saw on an African safari – no matter how magnificent they are.
- expectations are tough and I can’t expect people to act/react/handle things/love the way that I want them to.
- there is a real spiritual battle taking place.
- I am a bridge for the Kingdom of God – connecting people to their Kingdom stories.
- when Jesus restores – He restores things to a ‘better than before’ type of new.
- I’m worth it. (and so are you)
- God’s love is more than conditional, for it is intended to change those who receive it. And now I can begin to change, not to earn love but because of love. love. oh man. Love is strong.

So that’s where I am today. No big deal, right? He he he.
But that’s also where I am with this move.
It’s not easy, but it’s essential.
It’s an obedience and a response to a call.
It’s an ‘if I don’t, who will’ sort of thing.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


2010 = indelible

indelible |inˈdeləbəl|
• making marks that cannot be removed
• not able to be forgotten or removed

On January 4th, 2009 I wrote about moments. That I would try to live for each moment rather than by any measure of time. Let's be honest, trying to remember what happened in a year is mind-boggling. I'd rather remember the moments with you... no dates, just moments... just the feelings... just the words.
I realize I sound artsy and flakey and feely - but that's just who I am. Chances are, if you are reading this, you already knew that though. Shoot. I have a MoMA app on my iPhone.

Anyway... in that blog I talked about a prophesy spoken over me.
"You will grow 10 years in a year."
I thought that was 2008.
Then I thought it was 2009.
But now it's 2010?
Ok. I'm confused.

God, does that mean I will grow 10 years EVERY year? That my years are decades?
Eish. I'm not sure I'm entirely ready for this... but I don't think I'd do it any other way either. What's the fun in that, right?

I experienced God through orphans in Africa and floods in Guatemala.
He called me Daughter
He made me a bridge.
He gave me a person.
I have new relationships that will truly last a lifetime, even on a continent that isn't mine... (or is it?)
I have been learning the words 'family' and 'home' and it doesn't hurt all the time.
I am standing at the door of opportunity in my business and ministry and not merely existing and making ends meet.

2010 was indelible.

indelible moments.

Yep. That's about right.

I can fit 365 days into a one-liner for the first time probably ever:
If I don't, who will?

God called me. And He spoke the word 'moments' again to me.
(I think we're on to something here...)

"Moments" has been my word for over 2 years now. Going strong.
When I was in Africa, He told me that I was supposed to capture moments - which would capture stories - which would capture hearts - to further His Kingdom.

indelible calling.

So here I am, tucked away in a tiny corner, of a perfect patio, on the most beautiful day, in a quaint little lunch spot, in Houston's art district, listening to Brooke Fraser singing her soul out about Orphans & Kingdoms.... see?

This, my friend, is my perfect day.
I'm planning on having more of these kinds of days this year. I need them.
It feeds me and fills me. It reconnects me. It separates me.
Jesus got away to pray. Even asked His boys to have a boat ready for Him... always ready to go. He knew when He needed it. I do, too. I'm a better everything when I get to do this. So, ya... I want to be a better everything this year.

And as incredible and indelible as 2010 was for me, I'm ready to see what happens this year. I'm excited to get to be a part of the Kingdom in this capacity and to capture indelible moments and stories.

Join me.