Saturday, January 8, 2011


2010 = indelible

indelible |inˈdeləbəl|
• making marks that cannot be removed
• not able to be forgotten or removed

On January 4th, 2009 I wrote about moments. That I would try to live for each moment rather than by any measure of time. Let's be honest, trying to remember what happened in a year is mind-boggling. I'd rather remember the moments with you... no dates, just moments... just the feelings... just the words.
I realize I sound artsy and flakey and feely - but that's just who I am. Chances are, if you are reading this, you already knew that though. Shoot. I have a MoMA app on my iPhone.

Anyway... in that blog I talked about a prophesy spoken over me.
"You will grow 10 years in a year."
I thought that was 2008.
Then I thought it was 2009.
But now it's 2010?
Ok. I'm confused.

God, does that mean I will grow 10 years EVERY year? That my years are decades?
Eish. I'm not sure I'm entirely ready for this... but I don't think I'd do it any other way either. What's the fun in that, right?

I experienced God through orphans in Africa and floods in Guatemala.
He called me Daughter
He made me a bridge.
He gave me a person.
I have new relationships that will truly last a lifetime, even on a continent that isn't mine... (or is it?)
I have been learning the words 'family' and 'home' and it doesn't hurt all the time.
I am standing at the door of opportunity in my business and ministry and not merely existing and making ends meet.

2010 was indelible.

indelible moments.

Yep. That's about right.

I can fit 365 days into a one-liner for the first time probably ever:
If I don't, who will?

God called me. And He spoke the word 'moments' again to me.
(I think we're on to something here...)

"Moments" has been my word for over 2 years now. Going strong.
When I was in Africa, He told me that I was supposed to capture moments - which would capture stories - which would capture hearts - to further His Kingdom.

indelible calling.

So here I am, tucked away in a tiny corner, of a perfect patio, on the most beautiful day, in a quaint little lunch spot, in Houston's art district, listening to Brooke Fraser singing her soul out about Orphans & Kingdoms.... see?

This, my friend, is my perfect day.
I'm planning on having more of these kinds of days this year. I need them.
It feeds me and fills me. It reconnects me. It separates me.
Jesus got away to pray. Even asked His boys to have a boat ready for Him... always ready to go. He knew when He needed it. I do, too. I'm a better everything when I get to do this. So, ya... I want to be a better everything this year.

And as incredible and indelible as 2010 was for me, I'm ready to see what happens this year. I'm excited to get to be a part of the Kingdom in this capacity and to capture indelible moments and stories.

Join me.

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