Sunday, January 4, 2009

the day of epiphany

two thousand and nine... wow.
in over 8,800 days in my lifetime (give or take the random leap year and lack of math skills), i have lived through 5 different US Presidents and 14 Olympic Games. In 1984, Apple introduced their first Macintosh computer and i think it's pretty safe to say that tv has come a long way since the debut of The Cosby Show. Im sure you, as my faithful and most likely more 'mature in years' reader, you could play this game too.
but when i think about this past year in particular... i am reminded of a prophecy that was spoken over me a few years back...
"You will grow ten years in one year."
There is no doubt in my mind that 2008 was my decade.

i dont exactly know what next to write, or to say. i am in utter awe of the things that God has brought me to and through in '08. and i can say that i look forward to the person that He is molding and creating in this person called carly b.

i was reading in a book earlier today and this dialogue jumped out and grabbed me by what felt like my throat. it went like this:
"You gotta have plans, Angel. You gotta hope for something in this world."
"Hope for what?"
"You can't get by any other way."
"I get by just fine."
"I don't look back, and I don't look forward."
"What about now? You gotta think about now, Angel."
Angel smiled faintly and brushed her long, golden hair. "Now doesn't exist."

It gripped me because I think that was me. I think i lived a lot of my 8,800 days believing that now didn't exist and that tomorrow was too scary to face. some call it denial, i called it comfortable.

when you count your lifetime by the day, it puts things in perspective a little bit, doesnt it? i learned a lot last year and one of the things that ill hold with me for the rest of my days is that you dont really get a day-do-over. you dont get a second chance to live day #4,623. you get one shot.

but then you get technical and say that days are made of hours, of minutes, of seconds... blah blah blah...

however you want to measure it, days and years and lifetimes are made of moments. period.

so my new years resolution?
start counting by the moment.

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