Wednesday, July 1, 2009

7 words

can you do it? can you write a profound (or maybe not so profound) prayer in 7 words?

i think about Jesus when he said:
Your kingdom come, Your will be done.

7 words.

sometimes when we pray we get too caught up in the word game and not really in the heart game. God's not after our words - if He was, He would have made a few more geniuses like CS Lewis.

i've been thinking about mine...
i think this is probably one for right now:

Give me the strength to live today.

or maybe

Thank You for Your love for me.

or maybe

I'm so very sorry. Please forgive me.

what are yours?


susan livingston said...

love it! How about ' Sandwich me between your mercy and grace"

Theocaching said...

Show me life is not about me

Amanda Porter Rosendahl said...

Rock their cradle when I'm not able.