Thursday, October 16, 2008

the performance trap

if only we could be 'better' right? oh i want so badly to be and produce excellence... my desire? i want to be memorable!
i dont know about you, but i get a false sense of security when i perform well... but also a sense of condemnation and guilt when i dont perform well.

what does the Scripture say?
all have sinned and fallen short. fallen short of what? the target... the glory of God...

the thing about the glory of God is that it makes us so alive - it gives us hope, peace, joy, makes us like Jesus... it's our target - it's our aim... if sinning is to "miss the mark" - the mark is the glory!!

no matter how hard i try, im gonna fall short. period. when my spiritual enemy tells me that im not good enough, he deceives me... with truth actually. Thats the WORST! he takes truth to use it in a way of condemnation. the truth is, im NOT good enough... nobody is... oh but thats when my Hero enters the scene. JESUS - THANK YOU FOR LOVING ME DESPITE ME!

the apostle Paul probably lived under this performance trap, too. he give his credentials in Philippians... chapter 3 if read it if youd like to read it...

It would be like saying that I was the valedictorian of Harvard (hey Nick!), CEO of a Fortune 500 company (Hey Natasha!), and can trace my bloodline back to Abraham Lincoln. Oh and Mother Teresa is my aunt. If anybody had any reason to brag about where they’ve come from, and how successful they are, Paul could totally do it. But now we see Paul saying that not that those things are bad, but in retrospect, in comparison to knowing Christ, it’s garbage.

One of the very best indicators of the reality and depth and vitality of your relationship with Christ is the issue of what we are content with and what we are discontent with in our lives. Anything that totally consumes you apart from Christ is bondage. If you have something in your life that takes all your time, energy, effort, vision, and mental thought it is not of Christ. You are not FREE to serve, love, be loved or achieve the things Christ has predestined for you with this hindrance in your way. Some find themselves needing to lay down their physical appearance at His altar. They put all of their confidence and self worth in their clothes, body, hair and face. They are constantly trying to perfect it by starving, working out, shopping, etc.

What's my thing that consumes my thoughts? Lately, it's being happy. Rather, not being depressed. Can you believe that I have put that in front of the Lord? It's like focusing on getting my car fixed - but not ever going to the mechanic... or stressing out about eating and never hitting up HEB (Hey Marty!)

Is this pride? Is this my idea that I can fix me with out my Fixer? Without my Author and Perfecter of Life? After all, He wrote my stinkin story!

One of favorites is the Message version of Matthew 11:28... can i share?
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."


You see, Paul had not always cherished the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ. He was not always motivated by holy discontentment to pursue more and more of Christ. Before his conversion, Saul of Tarsus was anything but discontent about his relationship to God. He was supremely confident in his flesh, bragging about his godly heritage and personal accomplishments - while M I S S I N G it. But then a radical change occurred in his life. The Spirit of God invaded Paul's heart in irresistible grace and humbled his pride. The Holy Spirit opened Paul's eyes to see that all these natural and personal advantages that he put so much confidence in were in reality not assets at all but liabilities because they kept him form knowing Christ.

**God of the humble... I pray right now for our church and church leaders... One of the things that King Nebuchadnezzar and Lucifer had in common was pride - and it was the very thing that got them overthrown from their high position... and it wasn't a graceful and private fall either. I don't want that for anybody I know (or don't know for that matter. I love people so much - and You've given me that passion for your people!) Save us... save them. Forgive us for being so blind to our own actions... all of us. God I'm not praying for 'them' I'm praying for 'us'. You are the only truth and the way... don't let those words become 'cliche' or 'religious' - let them be like daggers.**

Paul came to see that only by counting that other "gain" as loss, as refuse could he ever get what is really the greatest gain. The Spirit of God enabled Paul to see Christ as he really is - the pearl of great price, the treasure buried in the field that is so valuable that it is a joyful thing to sell everything you have to obtain it. (Read it...Matthew. 13:44-45) If you cling to the "gain" of the flesh or of possessions or of pride, you will never have the true gain, the only gain in all the world that is ultimately worth having, the only gain that will satisfy you for all eternity - the gain of knowing Christ Jesus as your Lord. And taking it seriously.

**I have a friend that it hurting Lord. Hurting real bad. Doesn't think happiness will ever be theirs. I can relate. I pray that You flood their body today such peace... and joy... and wisdom regarding certain situations. God I pray for anniversaries. Anniversaries that remind us of good things, and of bad things... God that You would distract us with You when we need You the most... and when we don't know that it is You that we need - I pray You move in our lives even more. I come against the spirit of depression and the spirit of anxiety... God that's not how You intended for Your people to live. You want us happy. I believe that. last night I can sing "I know who I am... I am Yours... You're my identity" - I can sing "I believe You're my Healer... Nothing is impossible for You... I trust in You" - I mean, I can have it stinkin tattooed on my arm... L E T I T B E.**

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