Tuesday, September 7, 2010

liar liar pants on... the ground?

for my African friends who missed American Idol and the song of the year:

yep. that just happened. and now this is normally where i have some eloquent transition and segue into the point... not today. im jumpin right in. it'll come later.

satan is a liar. his lies are so stupid too... and make us look stupid if we believe them. so why do we (ok, i) believe them? ugh. i think once you realize how deceived you've been, its like you're caught with your pants around your ankles. (ok, there was the segue from the song...) for me, when i realize how i've given into the lies of the enemy, im left feeling naked and ashamed... lookin like a fool with my pants on the ground.

thank you Jimmy Needham for putting music to what i'm feeling...

To the slaughters you are being led
Being told that it's a party
That this God is in your head
And every single lie
Sounds just like the greatest truth

But the one truth you're not hearing
Is that he died for you

ok. i'm needing the truth of God to drown out the lies of the enemy. the lies that say im not good enough, im not pretty enough, im not worth it... im not, well, enough.

heres the truth... the Gospel of Jesus... mmhmmm...

Romans 8:1-3 (The Message)

With the arrival of Jesus, the Messiah, that fateful dilemma is resolved. Those who enter into Christ's being-here-for-us no longer have to live under a continuous, low-lying black cloud. A new power is in operation. The Spirit of life in Christ, like a strong wind, has magnificently cleared the air, freeing you from a fated lifetime of brutal tyranny at the hands of sin and death.

God went for the jugular when he sent his own Son. He didn't deal with the problem as something remote and unimportant. In his Son, Jesus, he personally took on the human condition, entered the disordered mess of struggling humanity in order to set it right once and for all. The law code, weakened as it always was by fractured human nature, could never have done that.

lies are easier to believe than the truth. why?

Thank You God for going straight for the jugular on my behalf. Lift the low-lying black cloud of lies that creep... Thanks for Jesus.

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