Tuesday, August 24, 2010

to tell you the truth...

Most of us have the tendency to avoid truth telling in our relationships and if you want to do that - you can, have at it. But don’t complain about your relationships being superficial because that’s exactly what they’ll be without truth. And don't try to have one of those with me. I like it messy. I like it raw. And I want to KNOW the people in my life. Who has time for superficial relationships anyway? Whats the point of that? It's like going to Starbucks to order a decaf...

Community without truth is artificial harmony.

In fact if you’ve surrounded yourself with community that won’t speak truth to you then you don’t really have community as much as you have a gathering of convenient relationships.

Eww. Gross.

I searched for the word "community" in twitter and the results were astounding... about 10 new posts every 30 seconds... and counting. Then I switched to "authentic community" and the posts were far less popular. And literally all of the "authentic community" tweeps were self-proclaimed Christians. The ones talking about just plain ol' community - well, too many to count.


Just one word away, yet a world apart. i think im on to something here...

The world needs to know what it means to be authentic and it has to be through Jesus. And it has to start with His followers. let do this thing and do it well...

Community without authenticity? No thank you.
Convenient relationships? No thanks.
No mess = No fun.
I would rather have a community of truth tellers and authentic lovers and live a vulnerable life with them, then a multitude of relationships that the only leg they have to stand on is an artificial substance... where you must live a shut out life and keep heart-boundaries. i hate heart-boundaries.

Time's a-wastin people - let's get dirty.

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